Professor Locke

Warning: The art on this site is not mine, and will promptly be removed upon request of the artist(s).
Commissions of my Locke OC will come out in time, and will be replacing these when I can help it.

Physical Description

Professor Locke 
NameProfessor Locke
GenderIntersex default, can change
Weight227 lbs*
Eye ColorShining Gold
Hair ColorBlack
Odd Characteristics*Very long tongue, Elf Ears (Opt)
* = Variable, can change 

Locke's Physical Strength is astonishing for humans in the Pokémon World! They can't quite compare to the strongest tier of them, but they're definitely capable of doing plenty well on their own, in the top range of humanity.Any other FAQs may be added there, or answered here!Feel free to ask whatever you need about her story if you need any explanation!They can also change her body to be a Gijinka, Full-Pokemon or another species entirely (some may be a stretch, but it's definitely possible!)


Professor Locke is welcome to the Pokemon Universe. They were a well-known and one of the most world-famous professors out of the bunch. However, eventually, something snapped in them and they secluded themselves from society. Though the Professor was still working on very hard and impressive projects, they knew that nobody else would forgive them for moving onto such topics, as they had now delved into the science of Breeding Pokemon, and so many more specific parts of it. Guaranteed abilities made it through to the offspring, slight color variations that would eventually become significant upon repeating the process, and more taboo concepts like making items and ways for Pokemon to breed with humans.Locke would be fairly distant from their emotions and human companions, having been a hermit for roughly 5 years now. They would still appreciate visitors, though often due to the taboo concepts they worked with now, not many would return after once, or recommend it to anyone else. Locke may be more immediately-dominating and rough, though just tell the writer if you want and it can be changed for them longing for someone again to just appreciate them as a friend!

Items Created

Playing Cards - A set of 54 playing cards that each possess abilities! There is not a different ability per card (right now, maybe eventually) but they are essentially just cute and little semi-creative abilities so that we (the muns) can get creative without being technically restricted by the limits of Pokémon Rules. They do some fairly minute things like increase attack power of STAB moves/make an ability 10-20% stronger/even adding an extra Type onto a Move or Pokemon. Not meant to break the RP, just allow creativity! Palette Swapper - As the name suggests, this item is very popular amongst celebrities. The item can come in different forms, like drink (soda can/plastic bottle), a makeup palette, bubblegum, or even a pen/marker. They can change a Pokémon's color palette to a preset one for a limited time. Though it is a preset palette, there are multiple variations that can be used so it's not like your limited to a blue & white palette every time, if you know what I mean. Mostly only celebrities use this item or brands for marketing, but some fashion divas use them as well! Breeding Jewelry - Similar to the playing cards, these are a bit vague in nature. They're likely only used by absolute-must-win Pokémon Battlers, which Spade is a bit disheartened by, or just people who want to experiment and test their Pokémon's abilities. They come in many different shapes and sizes of jewelry, though mostly are in shapes like bracelets or necklaces. They currently allow for the following abilities: Same-Sex Breeding, Different Egg-types to Breed, Guaranteed Ability-transfer, Guaranteed Move-transfer. They were created so that Pokémon with same-sex preference could mate, and also so that trainers who really desire to win don't have to excessively breed hundreds of Pokémon just to get one with "good abilities."
Examples :
♤ A face mask that has a very long dildo attached to the inside of it. While worn, it 'disables' the wearer's gag reflex. Additionally, after it is removed, the wearer gets the benefits of the mask after removal for as long as they had it on. I.e. you wear the mask for an hour, you have no gag reflex for an hour after worn.
♤ A potion that is meant to increase pleasure and make the drinker more susceptible to listening to commands. However, on Anthros and Gijinkas, it seems to have the side effect of dumbing down their intelligence a bit. For humans, this side effect is generally tripled or quadrupled.
(Hisuian-Specific) Capture Styler Beta - Like the Capture Styler in Pokémon Ranger, Spade had made a prototype when Pokéballs were being invented. She thought the idea of trapping them in little wooden cages was a bit too harsh for such beautiful beings, and went to create ways to stun them so that people could befriend them or allow them to be given a chance without getting attacked on-sight. This works decently well, however, it also works on People and can stun other people, so she didn't release it to the public as to not allow people to abuse it on one another. (WIP) Friend Healer - A much larger Pokémon healing bed like what the PokéCenters have. However, this bed doesn't require Pokémon to be inside of Pokéballs, due to her disdain for them. It's still being worked on and designed/finished up, though it works relatively well. It can only hold one Pokémon at a time, and takes quite a while, but it functions quicker than letting it play out naturally. End goal is to allow multiple Pokémon to lie on it to heal, while also healing Gijinkas and Humans. This and the next item Spade has only hinted to the public as an idea she wanted to have done, but in the last 5 years of radio silence, they do not know its status of completion. (WIP) Portable Healer - Also a Work in Progress, this is meant to be akin to a Max Potion, but not a one-time-use. It is meant to heal up Pokémon, but also Gijinkas and People, which is where the main difference is. It does work, but it's very slow and has a recharge time as of this moment. Spade's Cell Separation Machine - This item is redacted. - Hello! I see you were trying to access Professor Spade's files about the Cell Machine! Please contact her directly if you wish to know more, as the project is very hidden! Thank you! - Crystal Boba More to come!


This is Locke's NPC Team! These are Pokémon you may see/request and can interact with in an RP!These aren't just their main 6 cast, as they don't use Pokéballs and so they aren't limited, but if asked to fight, if they even accepts (likely not to) then they will use only 6.

Mochi is effectively Locke's right-hand-woman! Being the most comfortable around other humans, Mochi is likely the Pokemon who will introduce your muse to Locke if it doesn't happen automatically.
Despite being a female Garchomp, she is larger than the average and has cuts along her fins, both the one on her back and the ones along her arms. They seem to be from battles or some sort of confrontations in her past, not from birth like Male Garchomps have.
She's very lovely!

Miso is second in line to Mochi in terms of both comfort with humans and closeness to Locke. He tends to be much more along the lines of a guard, though, staying up and walking the perimeter of the Workshop at night time when nobody else is awake.
He is shiny and also a bit large for Luxrays, but is extra fluffy, especially around the neck and chest! He may make an appearance now and again but most likely will do so in an instance in which somebody needs to be protected or scared off.

Matcha is a female Espeon who tends to laze around the workshop quite often. If she's not sleeping or trying to, then she is likely running around trying to heal any friends. Locke's Workshop is not only a tinkerer's hole but also a haven for Pokémon and Gijinkas, both those with physical or mental injuries, or even just a place to relax.
Matcha is the local healer in this case, where she can communicate psychically with humans, gijinka and Pokémon all together, and is capable enough of wielding the Portable Healer. She tends to distrust most humans, but will prioritize listening to Spade's orders over her mistrust.

Sake is a Hisuian Zoroark.
He... doesn't much like newcomers, even the Pokemon he is hesitant near. He will often play tricks on them, sometimes going a bit too far with his illusionist abilities, though Locke always attempts to make up for his mistakes.
Once he does warm up to you, which is on his own terms rather than Locke's, he will be one of your best friends and will not leave. He'd never mention it but he does enjoy cuddles, and has the fluff to make them worth the wait of warming up to him!

His full name is Kibi Dango, he often deals in mostly menial tasks, but his specialty lies in being able to do very heavy-lifting with Spade around the workshop, and is a bit stronger, but not by much.


Mini Boba is a hivemind of little Joltiks that run the electronics and power around the Workshop!
Golden Boba is the Galvantula that watches over them all!


Artifacts are special items that Locke has accumulated through an RP with somebody! If your muse has an item they could give Spade to remember them by, or any reason you can think, by all means ask it to be placed here/make a big deal out of it! They may not like most people, but when they do like somebody, they'll cherish them and anything that reminds them of them!So far there are no artifacts here!